Monday, June 22, 2015

Brake lines

The transmission was getting on my nerves a little.  My number one rule with this project is that when it stops being fun, I stop working on it.  There have been a few glitches with the transmission.  More on that, in the next installment.  So, I let it set for a little while and switched to working on the brake lines.   They had to be finished before the engine goes back in anyway.

A large portion of the brake lines had to be re-routed because of the headers.  We had access to a shop with a lift and took off the stock exhaust and put on a set of headers and dual pipes about a year and a half ago.  I'm glad we did.  It brought to light a couple of problems that needed to be addressed.

 The problem with the brake lines was the proportioning valve (brass part in the photo).  The original position was mounted on the side of the frame which wasn't a problem until the headers needed the space.  So, it had to find a new home.  That required replacing all the front brake lines and the lines coming from the master cylinder

The new home is above the frame.  I have a staging lock to put on, but that won't be going on until the master cylinder goes on, which won't be until after the engine is back.

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