Thursday, February 17, 2022

Door Install

 It's been a couple of years since I posted.  I've had 3 knee surgeries and an ankle surgery that made it so I just couldn't stand around in the garage and work on the Hot Rod.  Now I'm making a little progress.  I've had the doors repaired for a while but I've put off finishing them while I debated about paint color.  I like traditional Chevelle red and black, but this isn't a Chevelle.  I like blue but there's a lot of blue.  My son talked me into going with Toxic Waste Green and black.  I'm color blind but everybody says it will look good so, here we go.

I started with the gray primer to go under the black.  But, the green will need white primer to make it pop.  Black over white primer would take a few coats to get it dark, I think, so dual primer it is.  I primed this part of the jamb so I can  mount the doors and leave the hinges on after I pull the pins.

With the body work done on the doors I was ready to shoot the white epoxy primer on them.

And then mount them.  One small step for GM.  One giant leap for me.  Now, with the doors mounted, aligned and gapped I'm ready to brace the inside.  I'm not sure I need to but better safe than sorry.  My rear quarter panels and wheelhouses should be here in a few weeks and I can start on the biggest part of this project, at least for me.  I'd rather rebuild another engine than tear the back off this car.